Monday, July 24, 2017


I have shared with this one neighbor several of my "extra" vegetables along with over-runs of jam and/or test drives of pickles and relishes.  Was never sure if they were taking the things to be polite or if they really enjoyed them.

The other day the husband showed up at my door with a flat of nectarines for me!  And when I offered to pay for at least some of the cost here was his answer:

It would take all the pleasure out of giving were I to take any money from you so that’s that. The flats are oddly not all that expensive and, quite honestly, if I was looking to save money I wouldn’t be shopping at Trader Joe’s. Besides, you can’t put a price on the delicious things you make so that makes us even (with a big edge going to you since you make the best-est stuff ever.) I think this sharing thing is going to work out just fine but I’ll need to up my game if I’m going to stay in contention. 

My message this time is go ahead and share if you have extra anything:  produce, crafts, time or just simply your company.  Cause you never know how valuable it may be to the one you are sharing with!

Just do it!

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