Saturday, February 9, 2019

Something that makes you smile?

I bet you have something that makes you smile.

It's such a small thing that you never even really think about it.  Sort of a subliminal happy feeling you get whenever you see it or hear it or mention it.

I realized the other day that my old partial set of plates always cheer me up whenever I look at them...yup - had them for many years, have bought other complete sets and still find myself reaching for these when I can.

I even went on eBay and found someone selling a couple more of the plates!  What a score!

The pattern detail has gotten scratched over the years and there are a couple of pieces that have chips on the edges.

But without fail, every time I look at one of these plates it makes me smile.  Not sure if it's the colors (so bright and sunny) or the pattern -  who knows?

Anyhow, just thought I would mention to you that somewhere in your life is probably a small thing that makes you smile and feel happy.

Look for it cause I will bet (yup, here is comes)

You've got it!

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