Friday, October 27, 2017


A note to those hardy souls who follow my blog by getting an email telling them there is a new post - and actually showing it to you right there on your e mail.

Apparently not everyone knows that if you click on the title of the post (or the "Sometimes I talk to myself" at the top) it takes you to the actual blog website and the post.

You not only get to see it in living color (orange:  my favorite) but you can see the other links that are there on the right side of the posts.  And if you are really feeling adventurous you can page down and voila!  all the other posts are there in sequential order to be paged through.

I'm grateful to anyone who reads my posts at all but being able to see the whole deal gives you access to other blogs that are worthwhile - not to mention that wonderful orange!

P.S.  there is also a place to leave comments

Just sayin!


  1. I enjoy your thoughts and suggestions. What do you think of a young teenager mowing his parents' lawn after dark?

    1. I guess it would depend on whether it was voluntary or not!
