Keep your sense of humor and always take it with you; always!
Keep your sense of trust in your family and friends and always take that with you; always!
Be ready when folks look to your for help and advice. Do not let them down!!
Do not back peddle, wane (decrease in vigor, power, or extent; become weaker) or ever become a victim.
Make the week ahead a very good week.
He encourages me when I think I have nothing to offer the blogging world (that's most of the time after I read what he or my nephew or his daughter or my brother wrote), he aims me in different directions when I get stuck in prepper doom and, most of all, he's just Alan.
The bolded lines at the beginning of this post are the ones he used to end his latest post. I did let him know I was planning on stealing them. Stealing them because if you stop to think for a moment, they really summarize a way of life.
If we lose our sense of humor we really are sunk - even dark humor is still...well, humor!

Admit it - you chuckled.
Pretty much says it all. There is no love without trust.
Be ready to help: technically you do not even have to wait to be asked!
Be ready to help: technically you do not even have to wait to be asked!
Sometimes the best way to approach a new week is to forget the old one!
Now lest I come across as some wacko version of Pollyanna, let it be said that I do none of these things perfectly - ok, some of them I do poorly - that trust thing is hard. The dark humor? I get that. I have no problem helping people even if they aren't helping themselves but I spend too much time looking over my shoulder trying to outrun things that probably aren't even chasing me and no doubt worry about the wrong things (they never happen - something else does).
So Alan's parting shots came at a good time - a reminder to get my head out of where the sun doesn't shine and get on with things.
Care to join me?
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