Thursday, January 17, 2019

I don't tweet but.....

NWS Tweet

Been a long time since I tried to put a link in one of my posts but here goes.

Looks as if we might actually get a storm - although I believe I have mentioned that previously.

So lay in the milk and bread for those sandwiches or, if you prefer, some real food, prescriptions you are going to run out of Saturday and perhaps a snow shovel or two?

Believe me, if you prepare then (you know what):  you've got this!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Personally I'm not waiting

Alrighty....we all see the weather forecast unless we live under a rock.

It's going to snow - kidding....really snow!

And of course the real question is always when and where and how much.  Yes, I realize that is actually three questions.

But the actual answer is it's going to snow and it's going to snow soon.

Honest, it really is!

So, here I am again up on the soap box banging that same old long suffering drum:  Please do not wait until Friday morning or, worse yet, this coming Saturday to decide that you need 5 gallons of milk along with the several loaves of bread for those milk sandwiches!

Actually when I went looking for a visual for this post I found that there are several YouTube videos with recipes for milk sandwiches. Personally I thought most of them looked pretty ugly, but it's up to you what you choose to buy/eat/prepare with as long as you DO prepare.

Gas up the car, find the window scrapers and, for pity's sake, have a way to clear off the top of your vehicle when the storm is over.  Make sure you have plenty of easy to prepare food in case of a power outage and don't be doing all that shopping at the last minute.

Not only is the selection lousy in most of the grocery stores

but everyone inside is grumpy and harried and the parking lots can be a death defying experience assuming that you do defy it.

So, since I already went to the store this morning and will gas up the car Thursday morning - yeah, sometimes I plan too far ahead -  it's a curse I've learned to live with -   better too soon than too late.

Think of this as a friendly reminder to do yourself a favor and be ahead of the curve - I still think milk sandwiches look disgusting so you should at least give  yourself a choice.

Be proud that you can sit back, relax and reflect that you got this!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

So I made hats

As you may have noticed I've been doing a lot of whining about being sick in the last month or so.

One of the things about being sick (once you are past the point of wanting to die and then being afraid you aren't going to) is boredom.






A person can only eat so much chicken soup - although for a few days I did go for a record - and a person can only open so many new boxes of kleenex (and I had a lot cause I STORE STUFF!) and, on top of that, Netflix and Amazon Prime can only hold my attention for so long and not a second longer.  And daytime TV rots your brain even if you aren't sick!

So I made hats.

I had a bunch of yarn kicking around the house - not even sure where it came from cause I haven't made an afghan in a long time and I don't knit but I remembered keeping Jack company when he was sick by watching videos on making scarves.

So off in search of videos on crocheting hats...simple hats....VERY simple hats (hey, I was sick, you know?)

With varying degrees of success I managed to turn out several beanie type hats -

Even sent one to a friend who's hair had been the victim of cancer treatments - she said it was just the thing for a chick with a lack of hair!

So I made more of that sort.  About 5 or 6 if I remember.

And then I made other hats -

   Some looked pretty good - others?  Not so much

A lot of them were the same pattern

And some only had one good side!  And, believe me, this IS the good side!

Others could either be worn on a head or used as perhaps a tea cozy or bun warmer.

And one fell into a category of "what the hell did that woman on the video mean anyhow?"  And went to the hat graveyard!

The bottom line on all of this is I found things to do over a 2 week period that were interesting and in the long run useful.

The beanie sorts went to the Cancer Treatment Center at a local hospital - a friend took them in for me and claimed they were received with great enthusiasm and appreciation.  Considering my skill level, they must have been desperate to cover those heads!

Now I have a stash that will either end up on homeless heads or, perhaps, at a local shelter.  Either way it kept me busy, staved off boredom and when I wasn't paying attention, I even seem to have gotten well!

I did discover also that not all instructional videos are created equal - some don't even seem to have been created - more like just happened and the camera was on.  

But I have a few more skeins of yarn and a couple more ideas for hats so.... 

Next time you feel like crap why not try something like this to take your mind off things.

With any luck?

You got this!