Friday, February 26, 2016

Just a little pinch...

All this talk about being ready for emergencies got me to remembering something that I'm betting few of us do....remember, that is.   :)

Tetanus shots - I don't know anyone who really looks forward to hearing "it's only a little pinch" when they are hanging at the doctor's office.  I've found that to be an understatement at times and sometimes a bald faced lie!  But some things are worth putting on your big boy (or girl) panties and getting done.

Another "back in the day" story:  a few years ago a micro-burst came blasting through my world and dropped a very nice (very big) oak tree on my house.

Side note:  the dog never believed me again when the wind was roaring and I told him everything was going to be ok.  Turned out he was right to be worried!

After the dust had settled and I decided that the worst was probably over I started on the list of things that needed doing.  Reports for the insurance company.  An assessor to give me a replacement quote. Someone to dismantle and rebuild - got all that taken care of and settled down to enjoying at least a minor case of PTSD.

As I was picking my way through the debris of my greenhouse a little voice murmured in my ear "when was your last tetanus shot?".    Like any of us have that information on the tip of our tongues!

Other comments regarding all the broken glass and metal that I was standing in the middle of kept drifting through my mind until in an effort to shut that little voice up I went and got a tetanus booster!

Think on it - what are the chances after any kind of damage to your buildings that you won't at least cut a finger, never mind step on a nail?

They do tell us ("they" being the "authorities") not to handle anything unless we have sturdy shoes and long sleeves and long pants and gloves.


I went looking for more information on signs and symptoms and places you can "catch" tetanus and came back being very grateful that I know when my last booster shot was.  It's an ugly thing, is tetanus, and even in this day and age has a very high fatality rate.  It can't be cured - medical professionals can only try to support you through the process and hope for the best.

Don't wait for the emergency to happen - be proactive and stay protected.

I have shamelessly stolen the following insert that answers the burning question:

What kind of injuries might allow tetanus to enter the body?  

Tetanus bacilli live in the soil, so the most dangerous kind of injury involves possible contamination with dirt, animal feces, and manure. Although we have traditionally worried about deep puncture wounds, in reality many types of injuries can allow tetanus bacilli to enter the body. In recent years, a higher proportion of cases had minor wounds than had major ones, probably because severe wounds were more likely to be properly managed. People can also get tetanus from splinters, self-piercing, and self-tattooing. Injecting drug users are also at risk for tetanus.

So it's back in your laps, guys - I'm still beating the same old drum - take care of yourselves!

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