Thursday, June 9, 2016

It's been there since last fall and still looks the same

Most mornings, weather permitting, I walk my dog up around the local church.  It's a great place to practise obedience moves (or non-moves) and we both enjoy the early mornings.  At the top of the hill/beginning of the driveway into the church is this relatively unimpressive item:

I think it was originally the inner liner of a box of chocolates - at least that's what it looks like to me.  And it has looked like that for at least 7 or 8 months.

Think about that for a minute:  it withstood all last fall's rains, it "lived" through an admittedly mild New England winter.  Mild but still complete with sand and salt and plow trucks.  And it still looks the same.

It has not shrunk.

It has not fragmented.

It has not biodegraded.

It still looks exactly the way it did when some cretin tossed it out the window of their car.

This little piece of whateveritis stands as a sort of a symbol of the ugliness of trash for me.  It doesn't smell but that's about all I can say in it's favor.

Remember the analogy of the drinking straw and the rock?  The rock will eventually wear away while the straw will still be a straw when the millennium rolls around.  Well, here is a graphic example - this little piece of trash is going to outlive me at the rate it's going!

I know none of us randomly throw stuff out our car windows (right?) but do we recycle as much as we can?  Maybe not - but for everything we don't recycle we create another one of these little everlasting "things"....whether in a landfill or by the side of the road in someones town.

Alright, off the soap box but please do what you can to un-contribute to burying our world in "stuff"!

We can get it done!

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