Saturday, February 2, 2019

So it's a little extra work

I took a quantum leap the other day - well, perhaps better described as a baby step, into the world of less plastic.

Bought a set of reusable, washable, long lasting not plastic produce bags.  Not the bags you can get (which usually are also plastic) to store the product in your refrigerator, but the ones you can bring to the supermarket and carry home fresh veggies in.

Reusable as opposed to all those little plastic bagsonaroller that abound in the produce aisles.

You know....the ones you take home and empty out because you have to wash the produce before you can eat it?  Ok,  you put the stuff back in the bags so you are "reusing" them.  How many times?  Maybe once?  After all, the inside gets damp and yucky (technical term for interior of produce bags after 2 days)

So then what?

Yup!  Into the trash/landfill/endless ocean of plastic!

Now realistically I'm probably not going to single handedly save the world from excess plastic -  however, neither do I want to be part of the problem even if I can't be the whole solution!

So I went to dear old Amazon Prime and ordered a set of cotton, washable, reusable produce bags in a variety of sizes.  Admittedly inspired by a blog item I saw in my niece's blog (Sunshine Guerrilla - there is a link to her blog on mine) but the decision to DO IT was all mine!

The next step was to test drive the process at the local grocery store.  I was fearful that other shoppers would move away from me in the produce isles while whispering among themselves about my political affiliations,  I was fully prepared for the checkout clerk to recoil in horror at this unexpected packaging and to - shudder - maybe even remove the zucchini (my test item) from it's bag! 

Wonder of wonders none of the bad scary things happened!  No one whispered and pointed at me near the broccoli or even when I was using the bag to - er - bag my zucchini.

Checkout lady never batted an eye but continued to carry on the private conversation she was having with the bagger (another subject for another time).

Coming home flushed with victory I posted a picture on Facebook and, lo and behold, within a couple of minutes some friends of mine had ordered their bags.

I would love to think this particular infection would spread - it's easy to catch and then


You've got it!

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