Monday, May 23, 2016

First harvest

Yeah, well so it's pretty minuscule but technically it rates as a harvest.  Pulled my first radishes today and it won't be long before the lettuce is big enough to eat.

Of course it takes a close up to actually believe that food is coming out of the dirt!  But, see?  I told you that you could count on the seeds and the dirt and the weather.

Also today I planted a row of zucchini and just stood around and admired the other gardens:  the beets, Swiss Chard, carrots, peas and onions are up and growing well.  Then I donated a couple slices of melon to bait my neighbor's trap in the hopes that the woodchuck will be absent minded enough to forget it's a trap and walk in.  I have serious doubts if it will become that stupid but we really need to get rid of that sucker (and all his heirs and assigns) before things go much further in the gardens.  My neighbor is fencing each of his raised beds but (a) I don't think it'll work and (b) it's too expensive.  So I'm opting for trying to remove him to an undisclosed location far far away before he gets a taste for our home grown veggies!

I hope that at least some of you who read my progress reports (as well as my "you should be more ready than you are" stuff) are also hovering over pots or plots and watching your vegetable children grow.

You can do this!

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