Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Have a little faith

  I'm going to put a couple pictures in here as an example of taking things on faith.

Now looking at this picture I'm sure most people will see a somewhat beat up old pot (got it at a yard sale) that has some dirt in it.  That's to be expected cause you don't really "see" it!

Let's try another view:

Still the same pot and dirt?

Let me tell you what I see.  I see that the Sweet Basil seeds I planted in there will germinate and grow into something amazing.

Starting out looking like the above picture and morphing into:

A cascade of basil-ness!

We get up every morning and take it on faith that the sun will come up and all the normal daytime events will march along in their intended order.  Why not believe that a small (tiny actually) seed can produce an amazing plant that will contribute to anything you choose to use it for.  Or if you simply want to admire it..

No big messages here except that if you have a pot and some dirt and some seeds you too could be witness to the results of taking something on faith.  

Go ahead - take a chance on getting it done...just sayin'

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