Friday, January 27, 2017

A dry road

I've been pretty quiet lately - mostly because how many times can I find a different way to say "be prepared"?  Be prepared for what?  For whatever:  bad weather, no power, lack of potable water, bad people and/or any combination of the above along with some surprise additives.  And I sure as hell am not going to touch on politics!

All of this definitely limits the subject matter for this blog (what does blog even mean?).

So this morning I realized that in the moment all I really want is a dry road.

With the conviction that all dogs want and need to walk outside, every morning I take mine and we're off to see what we can see.

Mostly all I really want to see is a dry road.

One not covered in slush and salt.

One that doesn't just look dry while cleverly hiding patches of black ice.

One that invites confident strides and a heads up approach to the day.

One that does not look like this - with not even enough snow for decent traction!

Or one that could look almost good but not really like this one does:

A slippery road causes you to take those damn mincing steps where you try to keep both feet directly in line with your body at all times - thus reducing the chance of slippage.  You look and walk like an old person.  Which makes you feel like an old person which makes you consider just going home and having a nice cup of tea - or something- tequila would be good.

There is something so friendly about a dry road:  it inspires confidence that we can walk even further today than yesterday.  It fosters the belief that all worries about slipping and falling are just figments of an overactive imagination.

Even if it's not paved, a dry road is something to trust:

A dry road lets you walk with your hands in your pockets - a slippery road demands that you keep your hands free to aid balance in case you start to fall.

A dry road is your friend - a wet, icy, slippery, nasty, ugly....well, you get my drift - that road is not your friend.

This is short and sweet but the message is that I wish you all dry roads and confident approaches to the days of your lives.

All I really want myself is that dry road!

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