Sunday, January 8, 2017


Just in case you thought that all my rantings about empty grocery shelves were a nasty rumor, take a look at these:

These pictures are as current as it gets.  The storm that hit the south eastern states was well forecasted  - everyone knew it was coming.  So, I ask you, why are the shelves virtually bare in one day?  Because people do not keep any supplies in case of an emergency - weather related or otherwise.  Now just visualize a situation where the supply chain is totally screwed up (technical term) and there is no one coming to refill these shelves and all the other empty ones around the area.

It's not rocket science to realize that if you don't have anything in your home to get you by for at least a few days there isn't going to be anything available after that first rush.

Please, kids, lay in some "stuff" in case....yeah, just in case!  It doesn't have to be fancy Wise Food long term kits.  It can be as simple as staples from the grocery store that will keep a long time without spoiling.

I'd love to keep on reminding you (it's not really nagging!) but I need to go out and shovel!  It's totally up to you whether your family can sit back and enjoy a storm or if it's a cause for total panic about your food supplies!

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