Monday, March 25, 2019

A tiny step

I thought that shopping with my own produce bags was as close to a walk on the wild side as I was apt to get in this life.

That said, I'm sticking just a bit of my toe into the vegan cooking/eating scene.  Not the whole toe right now, just the tip!

I have a friend who is heavy into research (on everything) that she considers undertaking.  I, on the other hand, usually go with my gut - no pun intended - and haven't ever really paid much attention to the concept of vegan eating.








Again, that being said, I've run into way too much information lately both from friends who eat the plant based diet (sigh:  no steak among other things) and from research documentaries on Netflix among other sites and it has forced me to put my "gut" aside and consider some cold hard facts.  I could go on and on about the information that is out there if you only take a look for it. 

Who is funding the American  Diabetes Foundation's information?  Who supports the FDA?  Why doe they keep changing our food pyramid around - up and down and back and forth.

What happens to all the antibiotics that are fed to the animals that we eventually slap on the grill and consume in enormous quantities?

When is the last time a doctor tried to address the root cause of an issue rather than just layering on more meds to address the symptoms?

Under what conditions are most of the animal products we eat actually raised and slaughtered (yeah, that's how they get to us:  they are slaughtered)?

I realize that one approach is it must be the plant lobby who would like us to think that all animal products are bad bad, on the other hand, IS there a plant lobby?  💁  Beats me.

As usual my blog post is pretty short and sometimes even sweet - come on, I must have done at least one sweet one! 

This is a new adventure for me - even just a toe tip is a sort of a commitment to what I hope will be a better, more healthy way of eating.  There are a ton of resources out there - apps and sites and organizations on Facebook - actually a somewhat overwhelming bunch once you start looking.

So I will make a few vegan meals (surprisingly easy actually) and do some taste tests and continue to eat up what "other" food I have because I'm from New England and I can't throw food away.  But I won't be replacing it unless I prove to myself that vegan eating is a crock - of vegetables and grains!  😛

 My first "stew" and I have to say it's looking pretty tasty!

You might care to try something just so you can say

You've got this!

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