Sunday, March 10, 2019

One day it will be us

I shamelessly stole this from a Facebook post it made me sad to think it happens way too much.  The  ignoring of someone who could use a hand or the foot tapping in line behind someone struggling to make change to pay for their groceries while the rest of us prefer debit cards.

Even someone obviously confused who really needs someone to help them find something or figure out some (to us) simple thing of everyday living.

How about we notice and offer help and curb our impatience because if we are lucky enough to live to a ripe old age:

One Day It Will Be Us

Twice this week, I have watched an elderly individual, fade into the busy life in which we all live. One man just needed Panadol for his wife but the shop assistant simply said it’s in aisle ‘6’. But he struggled to navigate the supermarket and as I watched him go in the wrong direction, I left all my groceries and took him where he needed to go.

Today, I watched an elderly man struggle in the heat, who had obviously had a fall with a huge scrape and blood on his leg. He walked past people in the cafe, while he slowly made his way to his car. Not one person stopped. Or looked. Or acknowledged him. I took him to his car and checked he was ok. He told me he had a fall and wasn’t sure how the air con worked in his car so he just didn’t use it. I sat with him, until his air con kicked in and heard him talk about the old frail body that he is in, that fails him now, every single day.
When you see an elderly person walking down the street, searching in the supermarket or struggling to their car, take a minute out of your busy schedule and ask them if they need a hand. Think about your grand parents and your parents and how pissed you would be if someone didn’t stop to help them. But more, think of them as you.
Once upon a time they were you. They were busy, they had work, they had children, they were able. Today, they are just in an older body that is not going as fast as it used to and this busy life is confusing. They deserve our utmost respect and consideration. One day it will be you, it will be us. I wish more people gave a shit about them and acknowledged them for their admirable existence and geez I hope someday, not that far away, someone does it for me.

Be the one to offer help
Be the one to say
Don't worry, I've got this!

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