Friday, April 8, 2016

I turned down a straw

Something Jeff Bridges said in his video really stuck with me - plastic is a substance that the earth cannot digest. Think on that for a minute - the earth can digest almost anything - it can even digest rocks to a point given enough time. if you wait long enough the hardest rock will be worn down into tiny bits of sand.  But the straw that was lying next to that rock will still look like...well, a straw.

I'll keep this relatively short and sweet because I am nowhere nearly as eloquent as my great-niece Barbara Greene Alfeo (who write a blog as Sunshine Gorilla).  She is on a campaign to research renewable resources and companies who treat the earth kindly.  On the other hand she is young enough so she probably has the time to make an impact! I figure I'd better stick to things I can do in the short term. I do still buy green bananas so it's not all bad.

Last night I had supper with friends and when my diet Coke came (yeah, I know, that crap will kill me) it automatically came with an individually wrapped straw.  How hygienic.  I almost unwrapped it but a combination of Jeff Bridges and Barbara's voices reminded me that I was a big girl and didn't need a straw (or a sippy cup).  I didn't have the guts to ask the nice waitress to take it back but I left it in it's unused pristine state on the table when I left.

It's a tiny step for me but perhaps the trickle down effect will hold and next thing you know I'll be refusing plastic forks and spoons at the take out place!

Anyone who has paid the slightest attention must realize that our oceans (having been used as an adjunct to our sewerage systems for half of forever) are filled with frighteningly enormous quantities of plastic.  Hell, there are new "land masses" that are totally plastic - what more will it take to get our attention?  This plastic junk will be there long after the last of us are gone to whatever rewards await us.  And if "someone" is keeping track the payback is going to be something to see but not pretty.

This is a long way from container planting but I felt it was something I needed to say.  If we could all just think twice before we toss plastic in the trash (or even recycle it) or even use one ounce more of plastic than we absolutely have to just imagine the impact we could make!

One straw at a time!


  1. In the 70's when we lived in Maine, I had a friend who was anal about plastic, aluminum, and all manner of waste that harms our earth. I am glad that some things such as glass are reusable and that other waste is being put to good recycle. There are some things I Have to buy in plastic containers...but the guilt eats at me. By the way, by law, when the table at the restaurant was cleaned, that straw was thrown away.
